Born 14.09.06
Heart Tested Grade 1
"Casi" had her first show in March 2007 at the Scottish Boxer Club Championship Show. Not too far to travel for her first outing she was quite unconcerned with the whole affair and just loved showing herself off! We were delighted when she won 1st Minor Puppy Bitch under breed specialist Lesley Boyle.
On her next two outings she continued her winning ways with a 3rd and a 4th followed by 1st in Minor Puppy Bitch and Best Puppy Bitch in Show at the Northern Boxer Club Championship Show in April under breed specialist Betty MacDonald.
She then went to the Merseyside Boxer Club and WELKS Championship Shows where she had two more 1sts in Minor Puppy Bitch under all rounder Piet Van Montford and breed specialist Veronica Feaver followed by a 2nd in Minor Puppy at the Tyne Wear & Tees Boxer Club Championship Show under breed specialist Bruce Cattanach.
She was 1st in both of her two Minor Puppy Bitch classes at SKC and Three Counties Championship Shows, winning Best Puppy Bitch at the latter and on her first day in Puppy Bitch classes, at Border Union Championship Show, still very much a baby she was a respectable 3rd.
Since the she has never been out the first four at Championship shows and was Best Puppy In Breed at Paignton Championship Show in July under all rounder Steve Hall.
Unshown since leaving her puppy classes in September "Casi" made way for the debut of her two younger kennel mates Walkon Bunny Hugger and Roamaro First Issue By Walkon in Minor Puppy and Puppy classes.
Along with Roamaro First Issue By Walkon she qualified for the Mancunian Boxer Club Pup Of The Year competition as one of the Top Puppies of 2007.
She was only shown five times during 2008, winning 1st's at Southern Counties, East Of England and Leeds Championship Shows in Novice and Maiden classes, as well as 2nd in Graduate Bitch at the Irish Boxer Club and 3rd in Post Graduate Bitch at Working & Pastoral Breeds Of Scotland Championship Shows.
"Casi" sadly lost her Mum at whelping and so was hand reared along with her litter mates.
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